About Us

We care about the planet and that's why all our materials are ethically and sustainably sourced.
You know the feeling you get when you lay in the bath or take a good shower and all those worries and stresses melt away?
That's why we do what we do.
Let's Get Lathered! was established in 2017.
With big dreams, a passion for bath products and a small amount of wholesale stock, we set up a Facebook page and sold products on local car
boots and market stalls.
Next, came a small store at an upcoming small business complex at Knottingley - Harker House.
Our creativity really started to run wild and we made plans to create our own, vegan friendly, cruelty-free products.
We got our first cosmetic license in September 2018 and now we're proud to say that all of our products are lovingly handmade on site.
In August 2020 we expanded to our new unit, which gave us the opportunity to offer more brand new products! Our new unit address is: Unit 9, South Baileygate Industrial Estate, Pontefract, WF8 2LN.
Visit us here: VISIT US | Let's Get Lathered! (letsgetlatheredyorkshire.com)
We wanted to be transparent and honest from the offset, that's why we're cruelty free and you can see a full list of our vegan friendly ingredients on every page.

We will never test our products on animals!
We've come a long way since that first, rainy car boot sale. We now have cosmetic licenses for over 120 products, with many more in the pipeline. We also offer Let's Get Lathered! parties with our dedicated party room and sessions for children during half term.
Our dreams are starting to become a reality and it's all because of you. Thank you, for your support and may your baths always be bubble-filled.
Let's Get Lathered! x